This recipe demonstrates how to build a simple SVG bar chart within Dojo 2.
Code example
Add this code to your render method:
render() {
return v('svg', {
preserveAspectRatio: 'none',
viewBox: '0 0 800 800'
}, [
v('g', [
v('rect', {
x: '20',
y: '20',
width: '50',
height: '200',
fill: 'green'
v('rect', {
x: '100',
y: '120',
width: '50',
height: '100',
fill: 'red'
v('rect', {
x: '180',
y: '170',
width: '20',
height: '50',
fill: 'blue'
Observe a bar chart with three vertical bars is drawn on your page.