
The recipe explains how to style a built-in Dojo 2 widget using the theming functionality built into Dojo 2.


  1. Create a stylesheet which will style the Dojo 2 widget, for example in: styles/themes/dark/button.m.css:
.root {
    background-color: black;
    color: white;

The selector must match an existing themeable selector which the widget offers. In this case, the root selector provided by the Dojo 2 button widget is styled and overridden.

  1. Create a theme.ts file, for example in styles/themes/dark/theme.ts:
import * as Button from './button.m.css';

export default {
    'dojo-button': Button

The theme file must export an object of key-value pairs. The key represents the name of the widget, and the value is the respective CSS module which styles the widget. Built-in Dojo 2 widgets must have their key prefixed with 'dojo-'.

Note: see the discover built-in Dojo 2 widgets recipe to learn more about built-in widgets.

  1. Import your theme and the button widget:
import Button from '@dojo/widgets/button/Button';
import Theme from '../styles/themes/dark/theme';
  1. Render the Button widget, and pass a property of theme with a value of your imported theme file:
w(Button, {
    theme: Theme
}, ['A button'])

The built-in Dojo 2 button is styled with your custom CSS and the root selector is overridden with your definition.

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