
This recipe demonstrates the following:

  1. How to declare a lazily loaded widget - this is done within step 2 in the procedure section
  2. How to exclude a widget from the main JavaScript bundle - this is handled automatically through the Dojo CLI build tool based on the registry definition
  3. How to download a widget on demand, at the point at which it is needed in the application lifecycle


  1. Render your widget using a string based identifier, instead of rendering the class directly:
render() {
    return v('div',[
        // w(MyLazyWidget, {}) // Don't do this
        w('my-lazy-widget', {}) // Do this
  1. In your main file, import and configure a registry:
import { Registry } from '@dojo/widget-core/Registry';

const registry = new Registry();

registry.define('my-lazy-widget', async () => {
    const response = await import('./widgets/MyLazyWidget');
    return response.default;
  1. Finally, use the setProperties method of your existing projector to associate the projector with the registry:
projector.setProperties({ registry });

The widget definition of ‘MyLazyWidget‘ is excluded from the main output bundle. A separate network request is made to MyLazyWidget.js on-demand, at the point at which it is rendered in the application runtime.

Further reading

The Dojo 2 Registries tutorial covers lazy loading of widgets in greater detail.